Paris BORDONE - Presentation of the ring to the Doge (1534)


Presentation of the ring to the Doge
Oil painting on canvas (370x300 cm)
Accademia Gallery, Venice


In this work we can see a fisherman who, after being saved by St. Mark, hands the saint's year to the Doge of Venice. The artist made a philological mistake, this event took place a few hundred years before the realization of the painting but the people represented are dressed in contemporary clothes to the painter.
This work marked an era, since the portraits of the doge and Venetian nobles made here by Paris Bordone will be modeled by other artists. The sumptuousness of the scenography formed by large columns, arches and apses has contributed to making this painting one of the best examples of the Venetian Renaissance.
Bordone was an important portraitist, painter of landscapes and environmental and mythological scenes; he was a pupil of Titian and reached a popularity comparable only to that of his teacher.
This painting actually recalls Titian's tile.
Bordone was invited to France by Francesco I, a great admirer of Italian Renaissance painters, and during his stay he painted portraits of eminent political figures of the time.

Comparing artists: Gentile Bellini, Clouet, Guardi, Sassetta, Tiziano
