Gian Lorenzo BERNINI - Ecstasy of Santa Teresa (1646-1652)


Ecstasy of Santa Teresa
Marble (350 cm)
Cornaro Chapel, Santa Maria della Vittoria (Rome)


Saint Teresa of Avila is represented at the moment when an angel is about to pierce her heart with an arrow. The woman is portrayed as she is giving in both spiritually and physically to her love for God in what could be considered a full-blown orgasm.
The marble group is the perfect symbol of the Baroque vision, full of emotions, drama and movements. By carefully observing the work we can understand why it should be considered one of the most representative artists of our local baroque.
Bernini's works are characterized by great perfection and incredible virtuosity, as well as by an interesting echo of the style of Michelangelo and the more classical statute, while as regards painting he owes a lot to the vision of Caravaggio, Annibale Caracci and Guido Reni.
Bernini's artistic activity turned to architecture and sculpture; during his time he will even go so far as to monopolize the papal commissions in the Eternal City, to tell the truth no other artist has managed to leave such an indelible mark on Rome.
One of his most important architectural achievements is, without doubt, St. Peter's Square.

Comparing artists: Caravaggio, Carracci, Michelangelo, Reni
