Jacques-Laurent AGASSE - The Nubian Giraffe (1827)


The Nubian Giraffe
Olio su tela (127x101,5 cm)
The Royal Collection, Windsor Castle, Windsor


The nineteenth century is characterised by great travels and commercial relationships. People move around more easily and curiosity and passion for the exotic erupts.
People returned from travels with rather bulky souvenirs: giraffes, lions, leopards ...
It is in this period that the painter Agasse sees the culmination of his artistic career. His painting is characterised by a great precision for details and often those who received a curious gift wanted at all costs that it be "photographed" as faithfully as possible.
King George IV will pay the interesting sum of 200 pounds for "a painting of the giraffe with guardians".

This painting is a real document of the time, the man with the top hat has a name and surname: Edward Cross, the importer of birds and exotic animals for the collection of the royal menagerie.

Swiss Jacques-Laurent Agasse found fame and honours in the UK, making highly regarded and highly paid paintings of sports scenes, exotic animals and equestrian portraits of nobles.

Comparing artists: Audubon, Landseer, Longhi, Stubbs
